Saturday, February 28, 2009

History's Eternal Scapegoat



by Shifra Hoffman

Along with millions of people worldwide, I followed the recent
ceremony of Barack Hussein Obama here in JERUSALEM, as he
became the first black president of the United States. Despite
the exhuberant optimism of his admittedly powerful address
in which Obama stated that under his leadership America would
become a friend to all nations, I have an eerie feeling his new
administration will not bode well for the State of Israel.

This ominous premonition was furthr strenghtened as Obama
reiterated his oft repeated pledge to mend America's relationship
with the Arab world. Ironically, following the Washington
inaugration ceremony which empowered him as leader of the free
world, the consensus of opinion amoung Israeli politicians and
news analysts seems to be that the Obama presidency will be
"good for Israel!"

One hardly knows whether to laugh or cry. After every American
election, the same scenario repeats itself as the "sovereign"
Jewish state anxiously awaits signs of reasurrance from the newly
elected occupant of the White House indicating he will be a true
friend of Israel. Unfortunately, experience has shown that which
French philospher Jean Paul Stare so astutely observed "Jews
have no passionate friends, only passionate enemies."

Israel has consistenly ignored tell-tale signs concerning the
much-touted 'special relationship' with America, which has been
steadily eroding. The neurotic fear of being abandoned by "our
only ally" has resulted in years of almost total capitulation to
American demands that are often detrimental to the vital
interests and the very survival of the Jewish homeland. A graphic
example in the long list of masochistic decisions by successive
Israeli governments that have weakened the country, is Ehud
Olmert's inane act of calling a halt to Operation Cast Lead and
withdrawing the Israel Defense Forces from Gaza without fully
defeating the Hamas murderous terrorists! Reportedly, this was
done so as not to have the war detract from Barack Obama's
presidential inauguration!

And just what are the consequences of Israel's shameful
subsurvient action to curry favor with the United States in
particular, and the world in general? Instead of receiving
stalwart support for its long verdue incursion into Gaza to stop
Hamas' barrage of deady rockets and Kassams that for years have
made life a living hell for countless innocent Jewish men, women
and children Israel is almost universally condemned for its
"inappropriate response"! Needless to say, as nation after nation
continues to excoriate Israel's "inappropriate response",
the thousands of Jewishs civilians who have been murdered and
wounded in bus bombings, stabbings, shootings, stonings and
other nefarious Arab terrorist attacks since the Oslo so-called
"peace agreement", are ignored and all but forgotten! The more
Israel "bends the knee" and prostrates itself to do the bidding of
America, or attempts to assuage global opinion... the more it
becomes a pariah throughout the world.

It is high time for the Jewish people to reject the role of being
history's eternal scapegoat!

Let us now stand proudly without the ubiquitous apologies and
explanations to do what must be done in defense of Eretz Yisael
and the Jewish people! With faith in the AL-MIGHTY, let us
return to the role for which HE has chosen be a light
unto the nations! In the timeless words of King David,
"In Thee, O L-RD do I put my trust; let not my enemies triumph
over me" (Psalms 25)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ISRAEL'S IMAGE by Shifra Hoffman


by Shifra Hoffman

As the situation in Gaza becomes a flashpoint for worldwide media which true to form, portray Israel as the evil oppressors of the so-called 'palestinians' while ignoring the thousands of Israelis who were murdered or wounded in Arab terrorist attacks since the Oslo so-called 'peace' Agreement a recent directive was reportedly issued by the Foreign Ministry to launch a campaign aimed at changing Israel's image.

Presumably, the rationale for this public relations effort is an attempt to "win friends and influence nations" in order to stem the tide of universal condmemnation being levelled at the Israel Defense Forces for their long overdue and justified military incursion into Gaza.

Apparently, the age old worry, "ma yomru hagoyim" (what will the world say) is still alive and well in the 'sovereign 'Jewish State. Ironically, the Arab enemies have discovered the Achilles heel of the Jew and are utilizing it to their best public relations advantage .

In a classic example of the adage about the youth who killed his parents and then asked the court for mercy because he was now an orphan,the murderous Hamas terrorisss continue to bombard Sderet, Askelon , Be'er Sheva and other Israeli cities with non-stop Kassam rockets...while accusing Israel of violating their "human (read Haman) rights by closing the border and destroying tunnels from which weapons are smuggled to kill Jews.!

Predictably, the European Union , the United Nations and other such ostensible impartial observers" raised a hue and cry against what they declare is collective punishment of innocent civilians, despite Israel's inane decision to supply 'humanitarian aid' to the Gazan population in the midst of the Hamas onslaught.

Needless to say, in the jaundiced view of those condemning Israel, more than eight years of lobbing deadly missiles by Hamas against innocent Jewish civilians which has their lives a daily hell....does not constitute "collective punishment".

It is indeed high time to change Israel's image.

Enough of trying to placate , appease or explain to the world the actions deemed necessary for our survival. It seems the only Ministry lacking in the government of Israel is a" Ministry of Explanation"!

We, the Jewish people who wandered the fact of the Earth for two millenia, suffering untold persecution in Crusades, Inquisitions, Pogroms and the unspeakable HOLOCAUST...until with G-D'S help, we returned to rebuild our ancient and reborn homeland, ...OWE THE WORLD NOTHING!!!

Instead of attempting to influence nations who are, at best, indifferent, and at worst hostile to our existence, Jews must once again embark upon the tried and true TORAH RAOD MAP to win favor in the eyes of the AL-MIGHTY upon whom our survival depends.

In the timeless wisdom of the great Psalmist, King David,
"Oh L-RD in Thee I do Trust...Let Not My Enemies Triumph Over

(Shifra Hoffman is a noted journalist, Founder of the VICTIMS OF
Exec. Director of SHUVA (Return) The Israel Emergency Aliyah

She can be contacted at email: